Monday, January 12, 2009

wow. berries.

I have food poisoning. The horrible kind you only read about on google forums. 
I'm crapping blood. 
Sorry for my lack of subtlety. I am miserable.

What have I learned?

Pesticides are no joke.
Berries should be organic and washed a million times over.
Don't eat the berries at Yogurtland on 3rd & La Brea.


Deb said...

Oh wow, I am so sorry you're sick! I only eat organic berries---and only when in season. Other than that, I never get my fruit from other countries.

Stay close to the farm markets girl...and the loo for that matter.

Hope you feel better!

Rachel said...

Ha thanks. Yeah I used to be one of those people that preferred organic but would take whatever. Now I am a crazy person. I refuse to eat produce unless I buy it and wash it myself. This is 100% fueled by fear and I'm sure I will relax as time passes... and eat at restaurants again. For now I'm happy eating at home and being mad at Mexico... (Where claifornia gets most of its produce...)