Friday, January 30, 2009

I am in love!

As a rule I try to steer clear of processed food, anything with a shelf life, blah blah... BUT ... I am in love. hahah.

Seriously... I am in love with Trader Joe's Organic Vegetarian Chili.  I am not blogging this because I work there and want to push product... nay, nay. 


It is the most happy thing to hit my taste buds in years.  I have been eating it for lunch all week.  A bowl of chili and some organic unsalted tortilla chips... and you have my version of heaven.

That is all.  

1 comment:

Deb said...

I recently just found a love for chili---but it has to be HOT! But this sounds really good! I don't particularly like canned foods, unless it's beans and such, but I'm with you with steering clear from processed foods.

Don't touch peanut butter for now. ;)